Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Light

 The light is coming the new album, five years in making just the keyboard left to do by my wonderful wife, the it should be out, this album gonna be amezing 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Hello there

 A small update i gonna change from DistroKid to soundcloud for my music on Spotify and I gonna focus my time more on my site on soundcloud from now on

So check me out at soundcloud 

Cheers from Jonny the madman 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Jag den Onde


The letter organization


Beaten to Blues video

Beaten to Blues

New band name

Jonny Vinter and The Gloominess is the new name for my one man band all music is on spotify and the new bandcamp site, links and shit comes later and new music is on the way an album who is called the light, a tribute to my lovly wife. I have also even more albums on the way, so stay tuned on site because this gonna be the main site for news and links and other cool shit. so stay crazy Cheers from the madman Jonny Vinter