söndag 10 januari 2010

The saga

Theater of 27 is about the truth that we hide inside us our own holy trinity theta we should search for, i will explain in my blogs what i mean about my lyrics, i am still healing from my crash and my lyrics will hepl to heal better, I know my mental crash was not cause by me, it was caused by other humans and conspiracy that wright about that the system change destinies by travel in time in our minds and bodies where dreams meet reality. All people are not bad, there are individuals like cia agents, filmstars,  or anybody who knows this but cant come out and tell about it so they help in men like me in secrecy so i can live a normal life despite that they torture me. Both God and Satan has helped me against the system and God and Satan are not enemys which each other, its human made up story to luck up two great powers in life in their fucking religions, but human-system have failed and will always loose, the human-system sucks big time.     

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